determine factor




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1·Frequency of access is an important factor to consider when you determine storage criteria.
2·For SQL statements with variables, the optimizer USES a default filter factor to determine the best access path at bind time.
3·Because the severity of stroke is an important factor in recovery, all patients will undergo brain scans prior to taking part in the study to determine the degree of damage to the brain.
4·Line 118 multiplies it by the Y-axis scaling factor to determine its position.
5·Because the number one factor that will determine whether they succeed or fail in life is the kind of friends they choose - friends who hold them back or friends who spur them on.
6·I need to determine if a number is a factor.
7·The original naive implementation used the modulus (%) operator, which is wildly inefficient, to check every number from 2 up to the target number itself to determine if it is a factor.
原先是简单的使用取模运算符(%)的实现,它非常低效,它自己检查从 2 到目标数的每个数字,确定是否是因子。
8·A system model for evaluation of BF life is created so as to determine each factor influencing the BF life and the temperature limit in hot surface of the cooler.
9·Grid voltage in accordance with corporate standards and requirements for power factor to determine the motor's voltage rating and type.
10·The deciding factor to determine whether a geometry will be stored as VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA or as BLOB is the so-called inline length that is applicable to a spatial column in any table.
确定几何图形是存储为 VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA 还是 BLOB 的决定因素就是所谓的 inline length,这个参数适用于任何表中的空间列。
更新时间:2025-02-22 16:01